? ? ? ? 寧波欣瀾包裝科有限公司(以下簡稱“欣瀾包裝”),成立于2014年初,聚焦研發及制造護膚類亞克力及PETG材質水、乳、霜、精華瓶等。公司內部已形成集產品研發設計、精密模具制造、自動化注塑、無塵裝配于一體的完整產業鏈。
? ? ? ? 欣瀾包裝主要為中外客戶提供自主研發的通貨包材以及高端定制包材全程解決方案。 15年模具設計與制造傳承,欣瀾包裝在每一個產品中傾注匠心,想客戶所想,察客戶所不察,力圖造就每一個細節的臻選品質。
XINLAN PACK is mainly specialized in packaging for cosmetics. With more than 10 years' experience, we have became one of the leading manufacturers of cosmtic packaging products in this industry , and has been expanding its presence in America and Europe. Innovation has always been the foundation of our company through the years. Our mission is to provide customers with cutting-edge solutions、highest quality standard and most competitive price.